Wide-Set Jaw

A wide-set jaw, often linked to TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) dysfunction and masseter muscle hypertrophy, can impact both appearance and functionality. At Lakefield Cosmetics, we recognize the importance of addressing this concern to enhance jaw aesthetics and alleviate associated discomfort.

Wide-set jaw issues, potentially stemming from TMJ dysfunction and masseter muscle hypertrophy, can lead to a square or overly prominent jawline. Seeking professional evaluation is crucial to accurately diagnose the cause and recommend appropriate treatments. Dr. Sonilla Majeed and our specialized team conduct thorough assessments to tailor a personalized treatment plan.

For individuals seeking to refine their jawline and achieve a more proportionate facial profile, we recommend neuromodulator treatments targeting the masseter muscles. These treatments effectively relax and slim down the jawline. Additionally, dermal fillers strategically placed in specific areas can provide lift and support, enhancing the overall facial harmony.

Embark on a consultation at Lakefield Cosmetics to explore how our recommended treatments can help redefine your jawline and achieve a more balanced facial aesthetic. Discover a path to improved jaw aesthetics and functional well-being, designed to meet your unique needs and concerns. Your journey to a refined jawline begins here.

Treatments for

Neuromodulator treatments of masseter muscles

Dermal fillers to provide lift and support 


Relaxing Injections

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Aesthetic Treatments

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XEO Laser

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