Ask Dr. Majeed

About Neuromodulator (wrinkle relaxing) injections:

  • Wrinkle-relaxing injections usually take only 15-30 minutes.

  • Neuromodulators like Botox® and Dysport®

    No downtime required. Minimal side effects/risk. Most patients are able to return to work within 20 minutes after the procedure.

  • If you’ve ever heard the phrase “beauty is pain”, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! We injectors use a very fine needle to administer the treatment, usually a 31 or 32 gauge needle (which are some of the smallest on the market). At Lakefield Cosmetics, we also use a numbing cream for certain areas of the body that are more sensitive like the lips and under the arms. But even without numbing cream, the injection itself only feels like a little pinch! Our patients report feeling only slight discomfort, and most procedures are over within 15 minutes. Our top priority is always to create natural results and provide a comfortable, relaxing experience for patients. We pay close attention to patient feedback throughout the process and encourage keeping the lines of communication open to ensure the best experience possible!

  • Effects typically last 3-4 months depending on the individual patient and their metabolism.

  • No. Neuromodulators relax your muscles but don’t “freeze” them. If injected correctly and strategically into very specific anatomic sites, they can lead to very natural looking results.

  • Not at all! The wrinkles and lines will simply return to baseline but will not get worse with time - in fact the opposite will happen if you keep up with treatments! Over time, your muscles become so used to being relaxed that you can experience long term improvement in lines and wrinkles which can lead to fewer units being required and longer intervals between treatments eventually.

  • No! In actuality, Botox ® has been used for medical and aesthetic purposes for over 20 years! It’s been well studied and proven to be very safe.

  • They are actually very similar! They are both neuromodulators which means they work by blocking certain chemical signals that cause a muscle to contract. They are both safe and effective. They are both purified proteins derived from botulinum toxin, which is safe in small amounts. They are also both Health Canada and FDA approved. However, Dysport ® kicks in a little sooner. White Botox ® usually takes 1-2 weeks to have optimal effect, patients can start to see results with Dysport ®2-5 days after injection. Also 1 unit of Botox ® = 3 units of Dysport ®. Botox® is more potent, but Dysport ® is cheaper per unit. Ultimately, both give similar results and end up costing around the same.

  • Dynamic wrinkles: These appear when expressing emotion such as smiling, squinting, or frowning. They’re called “dynamic” wrinkles because they’re visible when your face is moving. Static wrinkles: These are formed due to the natural process of aging. These are called “static” wrinkles because they are visible even when your face is still. As you age, the face gradually loses collagen and skin elasticity. As a result, dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles. A common example of this is the lines that form around the mouth of a smoker.

  • It is when wrinkle relaxing injections are placed to relax the muscles in your upper lip. This causes the lip to roll forward, which makes it appear fuller, especially when smiling . This also decreases the appearance of dynamic upper lip lines ie “smoker’s lines”

  • While filler adds volume directly to the lips, a “lip flip” enhances the appearance of the upper lip by relaxing the muscles above it, making it appear slightly larger without actually adding volume to it. The cost is minimal, there is minimal downtime, the procedure takes about 5 minutes, the results are more subtle and effects can last up to 3 months. Lip filler injections are more expensive than a “lip flip”, there is often some degree of swelling and sometimes bruising that leads to more downtime being required (on average 1 day), the procedure typically takes about 60 minutes from start to finish (including time spent waiting for the topical anesthetic to be absorbed), the effects are more dramatic and can last up to 12 months on average. Depending on your personal preferences, goals and budget, one or both of these procedures may be a good fit for you! Undergoing a “lip flip” in between lip filler appointments can sometimes help to delay the need for additional filler.

  • If you are in your 20’s or 30’s, you’ve likely seen people on social media talking about preventive anti-wrinkle injections. They are 100% correct. The best time to begin neuromodulator treatments is BEFORE skin lines and wrinkles become static. Most people assume that they need to wait until wrinkles are fully formed before treating them, but this isn’t actually the case! At the first sign of static wrinkles (lines that are present on your face at rest ie without making any expression at all), you should seek neuromodulator injections in order to prevent the lines from becoming too deep or ingrained. This will improve the overall aesthetic effect of the treatment, delaying the look of aging by years, and ultimately reducing the number of units of product needed (which will lower the cost as well).

  • It’s not a new kind of injection, it’s just a fun term for Neuromodulator administered to men! Neuromodulator treatments are for everybody! In the past few decades, male interest in cosmetic procedures has grown immensely. In fact, since 2000, there has been a 182% increase in the amount of Botox ® procedures received by men (Source: American Society of Plastic Surgeons). Generally the procedure is the same for all genders, however, since men typically have larger facial muscles than women, they may require higher doses of neuromodulator to achieve the desired results.

  • Yes! Neuromodulator injections are very effective at relaxing those tense neck bands formed by the platysma muscle in the neck. It is incredibly safe and there is minimal risk involved.

  • You should follow the pre and post-treatment protocol as best you can:

    • Avoid advil, aspirin and other antiinflammatories as well as alcohol for 24 hours before and after your treatment

    • Try to avoid immunizations for 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after your injections (delay your appointment with us if you have had an immunization)

    • Delay your appointment if you are on tetracycline or doxycycline antibiotics

    • Avoid massaging the treated areas for the rest of the day

    • Avoid lying down for 3 hours after injections

    • Avoid heavy exercise and anything that can precipitate sweating (ie saunas, hot tubs) for 24 hours after your treatment

    • Avoid excessive cold exposure for 24 hours after your treatment

    • Avoid facials or chemical peels for 1 week after your treatment

    • Avoid Dermal filler or Laser treatments for 2 weeks after your treatment

Dermal filler injections:

  • Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected into the skin to fill wrinkles, enhance facial contours, restore volume to the face, enhance lips, and provide a non-surgical face lift

  • When administered by a qualified and experienced professional, dermal fillers are considered safe. Filler injections are minimally invasive, and when injected by a trained professional knowledgeable in anatomy and on how to mitigate risk, they can be safe. As with all treatments, there are always potential risks, including serious ones, but the risk of this is low, including infection and arterial compromise. Our injectors are trained on how to best mitigate this risk, identify a complication quickly if it occurs and to treat such a complication. We have an emergency phone line whereby patients can reach us 24/7 if they think they are experiencing a serious complication.

  • Most modern fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (a substance naturally found in the skin), but other materials such as poly-L-lactic acid are also used.

  • The longevity of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used, the area treated, and individual factors. They can last anywhere from several months to over a year or more.

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during injection, but we use a topical anesthetic to numb the area and make the procedure more comfortable, and most fillers contain lidocaine in them which also significantly helps with discomfort.

  • Most patients can return to their usual activities immediately after the procedure, but some may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site which can last anywhere from 24hours to up to 1 week.

  • Common side effects include swelling, redness, pain, bruising, and tenderness

  • Costs can vary depending on the amount of filler used

  • Yes! Fillers are often combined with Neuromodulator treatments. We often recommend either getting the neuromodulator treatment on the same day as your filler appointment or wait 2 weeks to receive it afterward. We recommend a 2-4 week gap between Filler and most other treatments like microneedling or laser treatments, but it's essential to discuss this with us in person during your consult to ensure safety and optimal results.

  • Results are often immediate, but the final appearance may take a few days to a couple of weeks as any swelling or bruising subsides.

  • Hyaluronic acid based fillers can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase.

  • Typically it is a 60 minute appointment

Q+A’s about Other treatments and Financing (PRP, Exosomes, Microneedling and RF Microneedling, Laser):

  • PRP is derived from your own blood. It involves taking a small sample of your blood and processing it to isolate a concentrated solution of platelets and growth factors. For skin improvement, the PRP is injected (or applied topically) to the targeted areas of the skin. We use the U225 mesotherapy compressor gun to inject the PRP to the required depth without inflicting excessive discomfort. White topical anesthesia can be applied, most of our clients prefer not to use topical anesthetic in order to decrease overall treatment time. The growth factors in PRP help stimulate collagen production, improve blood circulation, and support tissue regeneration. This can lead to improved skin texture, glow, reduced fine lines, and a more youthful appearance!

  • Yes it can help to restore your hair! According to the Canadian Dermatology Association:

    • 50% of men are affected by male pattern baldness, and

    • 40% of women will experience thinning hair by age 50

    The good news? PRP therapy can help! “PRP” stands for “platelet rich plasma”, which is a component of your own blood that contains growth factors. PRP has shown to promote healing and regeneration in various tissues, including the scalp.

    So, how does it work for hair loss restoration?

    Step 1: A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm.

    Step 2: The blood is then processed to concentrate the platelets and growth factors, creating a high concentration of PRP.

    Step 3: The PRP solution is then injected with a mesotherapy gun into the scalp.

    The PRP injections stimulates hair growth by promoting the production of new hair follicles and increasing the size of existing hair follicles.

    The result? Thicker, healthier hair!

    As with every treatment, efficacy depends on a number of patient unique factors so an in person consult is required to ensure you are an optimal candidate. Usually, 3 sessions separated by 1 month followed by some form of maintenance PRP (ie once or twice yearly thereafter) can make a significant difference.

  • The effect of your PRP treatment is enhanced if you engage in “clean living” for 1-2 weeks leading up to your treatment and maintaining this healthy lifestyle for 1-2 weeks after treatment (and ideally for as long as you can! ) This means, reducing/avoiding alcohol and unhealthy fatty and high carbohydrate foods and increasing your water intake. This purifies the blood product (your own plasma) that is isolated at the time of treatment, leading to higher quality PRP.

  • Most patients require 3 PRP treatments, separated by 1 month intervals and then a maintenance schedule after that, consisting of once to twice yearly “touchup” PRP sessions. It is essential that you commit to a series of treatments rather than 1 alone, as it takes time for healthy skin turnover to occur, and for most aesthetic biostimulatory treatments (PRP, microneedling, Lasergenesis), you see optimal results after 3 months (ie 2-3 skin turnover cycles).

  • Exosome therapy for aging skin involves using exosomes, which are tiny vesicles or particles secreted by cells, to address age-related skin concerns. Here's how it works:

    Cellular Communication: Exosomes serve as important messengers between cells. They contain bioactive molecules like proteins and nucleic acids, which can communicate with skin cells.

    Wrinkle Reduction: Exosome therapy can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines by promoting the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins responsible for skin elasticity and smoothness.

    Texture Enhancement: Exosomes can improve skin texture by encouraging the renewal of skin cells and the removal of damaged cells. This can result in smoother and more even skin.

    Hyperpigmentation Management: Exosomes can target hyperpigmentation issues by modulating the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. This may help fade dark spots and even out skin tone.

    Collagen Stimulation: Exosomes can stimulate fibroblasts, the cells responsible for collagen production. This increased collagen production can lead to firmer and more youthful-looking skin.

    Moisture Retention: Exosomes may enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture, which can improve skin hydration and overall skin health.

    Minimally Invasive: Exosome therapy is typically a non-invasive procedure that involves the application of exosomes to the skin, often after microneedling. It doesn't require surgery and involves minimal downtime.

  • Exosome therapy for hair restoration is a cutting-edge approach that uses tiny particles called exosomes (which are cell messengers derived from specific stem cells) to help people regrow their hair. Here's how it works:

    Encourages Hair Growth: Exosomes contain special substances that can wake up sleeping hair follicles and encourage them to produce new hair. This can make your hair thicker and denser.

    Reduces Scalp Inflammation: Exosomes can calm down any inflammation on your scalp, which is often linked to hair loss. When your scalp is less inflamed, it's easier for hair to grow.

    Boosts Blood Flow: Exosomes can also help create more tiny blood vessels in your scalp. This means your hair follicles get more of the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy hair.

    Shields Hair from Damage: Hair can get damaged from things like pollution and stress. Exosomes might protect your hair from this damage, so it stays in good shape.

    Keeps Hair Growth in Check: Exosome therapy can help your hair go through its natural growth cycle more smoothly. This can make your hair grow in a healthier and more organized way.

    Non-invasive: Unlike some treatments that require surgery, exosome therapy is less invasive. It usually involves putting exosomes on your scalp often after microneedling, without any need for a big operation.

  • Controlled micro-injury under the surface of the skin (in the dermis) stimulates the body’s natural healing process. This increases our production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in the deep dermis of the skin, which leads to improved hydration, texture and glow and reduces appearance of acne scars, hyperpigmentation like sun spots and fine lines and wrinkles.

  • It is generally recommended that you receive a series of 3 treatments separated by 1 month and then regular maintenance treatments every 3-6 months thereafter. This continues to stimulate healthy skin turnover and continued glowing skin. You can expect to see results shortly after your first treatment but optimal results are seen after 2-3 skin turnover cycles (ie 3 months).

  • Skin Renewal: A chemical peel is a treatment that can help rejuvenate your skin by removing the top layer of damaged skin cells. It's like giving your skin a fresh start.

    Improved Texture: Over time, factors like sun exposure and aging can make your skin look rough and uneven. A chemical peel can smooth out your skin's texture, making it feel softer and look more youthful.

    Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines: If you have wrinkles or fine lines, a chemical peel can help reduce their appearance. It encourages the production of collagen, a protein that keeps your skin plump and smooth.

    Even Skin Tone: If you have dark spots, sunspots, or uneven skin tone, a chemical peel can help fade these imperfections. It's like hitting the reset button on your skin's color.

    Acne and Acne Scarring: Chemical peels can also be effective in treating acne and reducing the appearance of acne scars. They can help unclog pores and promote clearer skin.

    Enhanced Skin Health: By removing dead and damaged skin cells, a chemical peel can improve your skin's overall health. It can make your skin look brighter and more vibrant.

    Minimal Downtime: Depending on the type of peel, you may experience some temporary redness and peeling, but it's generally a quick and manageable recovery process. We always start patients with our sensitive skin peel to gauge their tolerance, which requires only a few hours of downtime in most cases.

    Boosted Confidence: Many patients find that the improved appearance of their skin after a chemical peel boosts their self-confidence and overall well-being.

    Long-Lasting Results: With proper skincare and sun protection, the benefits of a chemical peel can last for months, making it a valuable cost-friendly investment in your skin's long-term health and appearance.

  • We recommend that most patients get a chemical peel every 6-10 weeks.

  • Although some specific additional guidance may be necessary according to the specific treatment you have booked, in general, you should:

    • drink plenty of water in the week leading up to and after your treatment in order to enhance skin hydration, volume and healing

    • avoid alcohol, aspirin (if it is safe to do so) and antiinflammatories like advil for 24-72 hours before and after your treatments to avoid risks of bleeding and bruising.

    • avoid sun exposure and make sure to wear daily mineral block sunscreen of spf 45 or higher for 1-2 weeks prior to and after your treatments, in order to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

    • avoid active skin topicals like retinol and vitamin C for 48-72 hours after your procedure (in order to reduce skin irritation)

    • avoid massaging treated areas for up to 1 week after treatment (depending on the type of treatment-ie some treatments require massage- like sculptra and skinboosters)

    • keep the treated areas clean to avoid infection (ask us about our Hale derma spray, which can help with this part! )

    • clean your makeup brushes before applying makeup after treatments

    • avoid wearing makeup for as long as you can after your facial treatments (at least 12 hours if possible)

    • Avoid dental work 2 weeks post dermal filler treatment

    1. WEAR DAILY MINERAL BLOCK SUNSCREEN OF SPF 45+ (ask us about our ELTA MD line!) This is the most effective way of protecting your investment in any aesthetic procedures.

    2. Use a vitamin C serum (with active L-ascorbic acid) every morning as tolerated

    3. Use a toner to balance your skin’s PH once or twice daily

    4. Use a hyaluronic acid serum to boost your skin’s hydration levels

    5. Use a topical retinol each night (as tolerated and if safe to do so) - “start low and go slow” (gradually titrate up to the dosing regimen that works best for your skin)

  • Yes! In a good way! If you keep up with treatments, you reset your skin’s “biological clock” and the anti-aging benefits will show!

  • It depends on the treatment.

    • Neuromodulator - every 3-4 months

    • Dermal fillers -every 9-24 months

    • Chemical peels -every 6-10 weeks

    • Microneedling -3 treatments in a year and then 1-2 treatments yearly thereafter

    • PRP-3 treatments in a year and then 1-2 treatments yearly thereafter

    • Exosome treatments -3 treatments in a year and then 1-2 treatments yearly thereafter

  • Laser hair removal works by emitting highly concentrated light that is absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicles. This damages the follicles during their growth phase and inhibits future hair growth.

  • Yes, laser hair removal is generally considered safe when performed by trained and certified professionals using a medical grade device like the Cutera XEO. The lasers used are designed to target hair follicles and not harm the surrounding skin so long as the right settings and proper technique is utilized.

  • Patients typically experience some discomfort during the procedure, often described as a snapping or stinging sensation. The sensation can vary depending on the individual's pain tolerance and the area being treated. Our Lasers have a very effective cooling mechanism which allows for extreme cooling after each “zap” which tends to make the procedure immensely more comfortable.

  • Multiple sessions are usually required because hair grows in different phases. On average, 6 to 8 sessions, spaced several weeks apart, are needed for optimal results.

  • Laser hair removal can be performed on various body areas, including the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, chest, back, and more.

  • Side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, or skin darkening/lightening. These effects are typically mild and short-lived when the procedure is performed by a skilled practitioner and can be offset by following our practitioners’ advice on post-procedural care.

  • Laser hair removal is meant to result in long-term hair reduction, but it's not always completely permanent (for example if hormonal changes trigger new hair growth at a later age). Some patients may require occasional touch-up sessions.

  • Laser hair removal is most effective for individuals with light skin and dark hair. However, advancements in laser technology have made it more accessible to people with a wider range of skin and hair types. Our lasers are safe for all skin types and can be safely operated during any time of the year (including summertime).

  • We advise you to avoid sun exposure, tanning, and retinol topical products before the treatment to minimize the risk of side effects. Also, shave in between treatments instead of waxing, plucking or using depilatory creams.

  • The cost varies depending on the area treated and the number of sessions required. Patients should inquire about pricing during a consultation (or refer to the pricing section in our website).

  • There is typically no significant downtime, but you may experience some temporary redness and mild discomfort. You can usually resume your daily activities immediately.

  • It's generally recommended to avoid tanning before the procedure, as it can increase the risk of side effects like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

  • If you are coming in for a first time consult regarding a particular area of your body, we recommend you leave a representative sample of hair for our providers to assess in order to help them determine whether you are a good candidate for laser hair removal and the safest settings to use on our devices. You should shave the remaining area 48 hours prior to your treatment. And you should shave in between treatments rather than waxing, using depilatory creams or plucking. The laser must be able to detect your hair follicle in order to effectively damage it and cannot do so if the entire hair has been plucked from its root.

  • Yes we do! We have partnered with medicard by ifinance to provide our patients with the convenience of quick pre-approvals (in minutes) without affecting one’s credit score and comparably low interest rates. Go to the following website to get preapproved today!

  • RF (Radio Frequency) Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency energy. The process involves using fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, while simultaneously delivering heat through radiofrequency. This stimulates the skin's natural healing process, encouraging collagen and elastin production, resulting in rejuvenated, firmer, and smoother skin.

  • Sylfirm X is a state-of-the-art device used in RF Microneedling. It is unique because it utilizes both continuous and pulsed wave technology to target various skin concerns more effectively. This dual approach allows for more precise treatment of issues like skin laxity, wrinkles, scars, and pigmentation, with potentially better results and less discomfort compared to traditional RF Microneedling devices.

  • Most patients report minimal discomfort during the RF Microneedling procedure with Sylfirm X. A topical anesthetic is typically applied before the treatment to reduce any pain (although many are fine without the topical anesthetic). The sensation is often described as light pressure with a slight tingling or warmth and varies according to the part of the face being treated (for example the upper lip area can be more sensitive than the chin or jowls)

  • Sylfirm X is effective in treating a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, double chin, acne scars, stretch marks enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, and pigmentation issues like melasma and rosacea. It is suitable for all skin types and tones and can be used on both the face and the body.

  • A typical session with Sylfirm X will take 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.

  • Downtime after a Sylfirm X treatment is generally minimal. Patients may experience some redness and swelling, which usually subsides within a few hours but can take a few days. Most people are able to return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

  • The number of sessions required varies based on individual skin concerns and goals. Typically, a series of 3-4 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results. Maintenance sessions can be done as needed.

  • Yes! RF Microneedling with Sylfirm X can often be combined with other cosmetic treatments, such as chemical peels or laser therapy, to enhance results. It is often combined with exosome therapy as well. However, it's important to consult with us first to determine the best treatment plan for your specific skin needs and goals. Timing and sequence of treatments are crucial for safety and efficacy.

  • Side effects are generally minimal and may include temporary redness, swelling, and mild discomfort at the treatment site. Rarely, there may be bruising or changes in skin pigmentation. These side effects typically resolve within a few days. It's important to follow post-treatment care instructions to minimize risks.

  • RF Microneedling with Sylfirm X is suitable for individuals looking to improve skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It's effective for various skin types and ages. However, it may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions, active skin infections, or pregnant women. A consultation with us is essential to determine if this treatment is right for you.

  • Post-treatment care includes avoiding direct sun exposure and applying sunscreen daily, using gentle skincare products, using Halederma spray regularly to prevent infection, avoiding strenuous exercise and excessive sweating for a few days, and staying hydrated. We will provide detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific needs.

  • Many patients notice an improvement in their skin soon after the treatment since the Sylfirm X has a unique “glow” setting that allows for this, but the full benefits are typically seen 4 weeks later (and are optimal 4 weeks after your last treatment in the series) as collagen production increases and results continue to improve over several months.

  • Item description