
  • Active Acne

    A skin condition characterized by the presence of inflamed pimples, pustules and possibly cysts resulting from clogged pores and overactive sebaceous glands-often leading to discomfort and affecting self-esteem. Our targeted treatments aim to reduce inflammation, clear the skin and restore confidence.

  • Acne Scarring

    The persistent remnants of past breakouts, can leave uneven texture and tone long after blemishes have healed. Our advance aesthetic solutions focus on smoothing skin texture and enhancing complexion to diminish the signs of past acne, revitalizing your skin’s appearance.

  • Aging Skin

    Aging skin reflects the passage of time. Reduced hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin production lead to dry, sagging skin and loss of elasticity and volume. Our aesthetic services rejuvenate and firm, restoring a youthful vitality to your complexion.

  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles

    Fine lines and wrinkles are the delicate signatures of life's experiences etched into our skin. Our cutting-edge treatments are crafted to gently erase these signs, revealing a smoother, more youthful canvas.

  • Pigmented Lesions/brown spots

    Pigmented lesions and brown spots are the skin's bookmarks of sun exposure and aging, often perceived as blemishes on your skin's story. Our targeted treatments aim to lighten these spots, delivering an even-toned, radiant complexion.

  • Sagging skin/ drooping/jowling:

    Sagging skin, drooping and jowling can subtly change the contours of your face, often leading to a more tired or aged look. Our specialized treatments are designed to lift and tighten, restoring the firm, sculpted profile of your youth.

  • Sensitive Skin

    Sensitive skin, with its propensity for redness, irritation, and reaction, requires a delicate touch and nurturing care. Our gentle, bespoke treatments cater to your skin’s unique needs, ensuring a soothing experience while enhancing its natural strength and beauty.

  • Sun Damaged Skin

    Sun-damaged skin bears the brunt of our love for the sun, displaying premature aging, hyperpigmentation and a leathery texture. Our expert treatments focus on reversing these effects, restoring a healthier, more even toned and resilient complexion.

  • Vascular Lesions

    Vascular lesions, including broken capillaries and spider veins, are intricate maps on the skin that can detract from your complexion’s clarity. Our advance treatments target and diminish these blemishes , restoring a smooth and even skin tone.

  • Hair Loss

    Hair loss can be a distressing sign of aging or health issues, challenging one’s self image. Our innovate hair restoration therapies are designed to stimulate growth and replenish thickness, revitalizing your hair and confidence.

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction / Jaw pain

    TMJ disorders can lead to jaw discomfort and headaches, disrupting daily life. Our precise neuromodulator treatments offer relief by easing muscle tension, reducing pain and improving jaw function.

  • Wide-set jaw

    A wide-set jaw due to masseter hypertrophy may cause facial imbalance. Our targeted neuromodulator treatments skillfully contour the jawline, softening its appearance while maintaining your natural profile.

  • Trapezius/Shoulder Strain and the desire for shoulder Slimming

    Shoulder strain and tension not only cause discomfort but can also contribute to a broader shoulder silhouette. Our neuromodulator treatments are crafted to relax these muscles, alleviating pain and slimming the shoulder contour for a more elegant frame.

  • Undefined jawline (desiring a snatched jawline)

    An undefined jawline can blur the distinction that gives your face structure and definition. Our contouring treatments aim to sculpt and and ‘snatch’ the jawline, enhancing its natural lines for a striking, chiseled look

  • Chronic Migraines/ headaches

    Chronic migraines can cast a shadow over every aspect of your life, with their relentless, debilitating pain. Our neuromodulator treatments offer a beacon of hope, providing relief by reducing the frequency and severity of migraine episodes, helping patients reclaim their days with comfort and clarity.

  • Excessive Underarm Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

    Axillary hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating, can be a source of embarrassment and inconvenience, impacting wardrobe choices and self-confidence. Our neuromodulator treatments target and calm overactive sweat glands, offering a long lasting reduction in sweat production for a dry, comfortable, and confident you.

  • Sunken cheeks

    Sunken cheeks can give a hollow appearance to the face, often resulting in a tired or aged look. Our dermal filler and other treatments provide a natural and youthful plumpness, restoring volume for a rejuvenated and vibrant visage.

  • Rosacea

    Rosacea presents as a chronic flush, with redness, often accompanied by swelling, spider veins and acne like bumps that can affect self-confidence and comfort. Our tailored treatments are designed to soothe inflammation, reduce redness, and promote a clearer, more even complexion, helping you face the world with renewed confidence.

  • Chin Dimpling

    Chin dimpling, often referred to as peau d’orange, can disrupt the smoothness of your lower facial contours. Our precise neuromodulator injections relax the underlying muscles, smoothing out the dimples for a refined, more serene chin appearance.

"I feel safe (and beautiful - bonus!) with Dr. Majeed"

"Absolutely love this clinic, Dr. Majeed is so knowledgeable and great."

" I used to have permanent forehead lines that felt like they made me look 10 years older. They are now gone!"

"I feel safe (and beautiful - bonus!) with Dr. Majeed" "Absolutely love this clinic, Dr. Majeed is so knowledgeable and great." " I used to have permanent forehead lines that felt like they made me look 10 years older. They are now gone!"